Tax Information

Cherishing Our Past Embracing Our Future

Hellertown Borough

As of January 1, 2025, all unpaid Borough of Hellertown 2024 Real Estate Taxes, Fire Service Taxes and Sanitation & Recycling Fees shall be considered delinquent. On or about that date, all such delinquent accounts shall be forwarded to the appropriate agency for collection.  With such action, additional monetary penalties will accrue against the delinquent account.

Real Estate Tax Information

As a property owner in Hellertown Borough, you will receive tax bills from three (3) separate entities:
The Borough of Hellertown, Saucon Valley School District and Northampton County.
As of November 4, 2024 the assessed value of the Borough was $132,310,600.

Hellertown Borough Real Estate Taxes
The Real Estate Tax bill consisting of the Real Estate (Property) and Fire Appropriation is mailed out the first week of February each year. If a mortgage company pays your taxes, it is the property owner’s responsibility to send the tax bill to their mortgage company. (As of 1/1/2013 the Property Tax and Fire Tax are on one tax bill)

2025 Billing Dates

MunciPAY Payment Service

Hellertown residents and property owners to pay their borough garbage, recycling and real estate/fire tax bills online. This service is now available please (Click Here)

Interim Real Estate Bills

An interim tax bill is an addition to the tax duplicate due to an improvement to your parcel.
The county assessment office sends changes to local taxing district.  An interim bill is produced at
the local tax rate and is reduced proportionately to the number of months remaining the tax year.
Interim taxes will have a different discount face and penalty period that the original duplicate.

Tax Certificate Request

Please contact Keystone Collections Group for Tax Certifications.
Please go to the “Forms” page (Click Here) to review the current fee schedule.

Northampton County

More information can be found on the County’s Website
Please (Click Here) for the County Tax Office

Saucon Valley School District

Keystone Collections Group is the Current Real Estate Tax Collector

Keystone Collections Group is pleased to serve as the real estate collector for residents within the Saucon Valley School District effective July 1, 2016.

You will have three convenient options to pay your real estate a beginning this year.

Keystone’s e-Pay is the easy, fast and secure way to pay your taxes online. Visit and select the Pay/File tab at the top of your screen.
You can pay through a no-charge electronic transfer from your bank account. You can also pay by credit card. A 2.5% bank processing fee applies to credit card payments.

By Mail
You can mail your payments to the Processing Division at Keystone, using the appropriate P.O. Box. Mail payment to:

Keystone Collections Group – Real Estate Tax Payment
P.O. Box 505
Irwin, PA 15642

*If you require a receipt other than your canceled check, you must include a self addressed, stamped envelope along with your bill and payment.

In Person
You can pay your bill in person at Keystone’s Tax Office, located at 3700 Old Philadelphia Pike, Suite A, Bethlehem, PA  18015 (within Seidersville Hall). Or call 1-888-519-3897 to find another convenient Keystone branch office. Please note that cash is not accepted at all locations. You can find the address of any Keystone location on the website. Select the Contact Us link from the homepage and then click on the Office Listing link.

Tax bills will continue to be mailed directly to taxpayers. If a mortgage company or bank pays your real estate tax bill from an escrow account, you must forward your tax bill to them so your mortgage company or bank can pay your bill on time.

For questions, go to Keystone’s website and select the Contact Us link to ask a question online. An associate will respond by email within approximately 24 hours. Or call Keystone’s Taxpayer Services Department toll free at: 1-866-539-1100, Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Para recibir asistencia en espanol, por favor llame 1-724-978-2866.  Taxpayer Helpline Flyer for link to Taxpayer Helpline